Hope Chest Buffalo

2025 Dragon Boat Festival Vendor Registration


Please use the on-line registration and payment form below.

The fee is $125. If you are paying for more than one vendor registration, you will need to fill this form out separately for each registration.. Be sure to review all the information provided in the Conditions Agreement.

Contact Katie Passanisi with any questions with a text message at 716-255-6391

Thank you for participating in making this event a success for Hope Chest!

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

If you prefer, gifts by check are also accepted. Make checks payable to:

Luminina Corp/dba Hope Chest
P.O. Box 1021
Getzville, NY 14068

Your Contact Information


Conditions Agreement and Vendor Description

Conditions Agreement and Vendor Guidelines

  1. Applications will be reviewed on a first come basis. The committee will review all applications to ensure a variety of items. Their decision is final.
  2. Vendors must state what they are selling and not add items that are not included in their application.
  3. You may only occupy the space you pay for.
  4. The fee is non-refundable.
  5. All vendors are asked to promote our Dragon Boat Festival. We will send a flyer that we ask you to circulate to your clients.
  6. Only one vendor per home-based business will be allowed into the show.  For example, only one Pampered Chef representative
  7. Crafters are the exception as each crafter's products are a unique design.
  8. Each vendor will be supplied with one 8 ft table, one white tablecloth and two folding chairs.
  9. You are not allowed to have a product beyond your requested space. This will be strictly enforced the day of the festival to ensure safety for the attendees and vendors.
  10. Please keep all walkways clear for safety reasons and proper foot traffic.
  11. Display time is from 8 AM to 4 PM. Vendors are encouraged to arrive early to allow for parking.  Vendors are responsible for parking fees charged by the venue.

The field VENDOR DESCRIPTION is required.
The field I agree to the terms and conditions. is required.

Your Payment Method

Your Billing Information

Your Payment Information

* What is this?